Cultural Engagement Framework


Our commitment to diversity

We believe that Australia’s diversity is a great cultural asset, and leads to greater artistic vibrancy and innovation. We also believe that participation in and enjoyment of the arts should be available all Australians and not determined by social, physical, geographic or personal circumstances.

Our Cultural Engagement Framework (CEF) is a mechanism to ensure that the our vision, priorities and processes recognise and reflect diversity. The CEF guides decision-making, strategy and good practice in our commitments to diversity, which are set down in The Australia Council Act 2013.

Diversity is at the heart of the Australia Council’s Strategic Plan. Our commitments are guided by the CEF, which sits the centre of our Corporate Plan, and targeted Action Plans being developed across our CEF priority areas.


CEF priority areas 

The CEF identifies a number of priority areas where we currently focus our efforts,

recognising the intersections between these groups. The current CEF priority areas are:

  • First Nations peoples
  • Children and young people
  • Cultural diversity
  • Older people
  • People with disability
  • Regional and remote Australia