Please note: Some of the content on this page was published prior to the launch of Creative Australia and references the Australia Council. Read more.

Arts Sector Service Organisations Scan

Jun 22, 2017


The Arts Sector Service Organisations Scan was undertaken to develop a greater understanding of the scale and nature of arts organisations whose core purpose is to provide programs and activities that support artists and arts organisations.

The report analyses 111 arts organisations, covering all states and territories and artistic disciplines. Consultation with state and territory arts agencies was undertaken to gain insights into the provision of services in their respective jurisdictions. Limited desktop research on international arts funding agencies and their models of support for service organisations was undertaken and included in the report.

Key Activity Areas

The scan determined that services provided to the arts sector broadly include functions that promote a particular art form overall (such as publicity and advocacy), through sector-specific programs (such as industry standards and conferences), to support for organisations and individuals involved in a particular creative practice (such as scholarships and awards). Activities were classified into one of 46 activities within 11 activity groups.

Of the analysed organisations:

  • 97% engage in member communication activities including newsletters, social media, and journals
  • 83% deliver capacity building activities
  • 43% engage in advocacy
  • 36% undertake research and evaluation

The analysis shows that organisations that engage in public communications are more likely to also deliver research and evaluation and advocacy services. The scan did not evaluate the quality or value of these services.