Please note: Some of the content on this page was published prior to the launch of Creative Australia and references the Australia Council. Read more.

The National Arts Participation Survey: State and Territory Results

Jul 17, 2017


The National Arts Participation Survey: State and Territory Results expand on the national results presented in Connecting AustraliansResults of the National Arts Participation SurveyThe state and territory results provide detailed data on arts engagement in the ACT, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Further regional breakdowns are available within New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

Engagement measures include attending arts events, exhibitions and festivals; reading; listening to music; sharing and connecting with the arts online; and creating art. The arts encompass theatre, dance, visual arts and craft, music, literature, First Nations and cross-art form work. Engagement with a person’s own cultural background through the arts is articulated for the first time, along with festival attendance and community arts and cultural development activities. The state and territory results also capture the value of the arts to residents through their attitudes, views about the impacts of the arts, and propensity to donate time or money to the arts.

The Australia Council would like to thank the following organisations for their assistance: artsACT, Arts NT, Arts Queensland, Arts South Australia, Arts Tasmania, Arts WA, Create NSW and Creative Victoria.

Click here for full results of the National Arts Participation Survey.

Interactive Dashboards

Scroll down or click links below to explore more findings through our eight interactive dashboards. Filter results by state/territory and region.
Impacts of the arts.
Attitudes to the arts.
Cultural diversity.
Live attendance.
Creative participation.
Listening to music and reading.
Online engagement.

Impacts of the arts

More Australians now recognise the many positive impacts the arts have on our daily lives and in our communities. Explore here how they vary across state/territory and region.

Attitudes to the arts

Australians believe the arts reflect and contribute to society, to cultural identity, and to Australia’s international reputation. Explore here how attitudes vary across state/territory and region.


The high value that Australians place on the arts is reflected in the time and money that Australians give to support artists, arts organisations and arts projects. Explore here how giving varies across state/territory and region.

Cultural diversity

This dashboard shows data on engagement with cultural background through the arts, attendance at First Nations arts, and involvement with community arts and cultural development.

Live attendance

More than 14 million Australians aged 15 years and over attended arts events or festivals in person in 2016 (72%), on par with 2013 and 2009.Explore attendance across state/territory and region.

Creative participation

Creative arts participation can take many forms – from artistic photography to playing an instrument; and from singing in a community choir or taking a community arts class, to more professional forms of arts creation.

Listening to music and reading

As well as attending arts in person and creatively participating in the arts, listening to music and reading are vital, accessible and popular ways that Australians engage with the arts.

Online engagement

Online engagement with the arts is booming – in the digital age the arts are more accessible than ever. Explore across state/territory and region.