Watch as Tandi Palmer Williams, Managing Director, Patternmakers and Alex Marsden, National Director, Australian Museums and Galleries Association discuss the findings from the Audience Outlook Monitor in relation to the museums and galleries.
About the series
This webinar series explores different topics within the Audience Outlook Monitor and digs deeper into the results with industry experts. Fact sheets on each topic will be released weekly to inform the discussion.
The Australia Council is working with Patternmakers and WolfBrown to understand changes in behaviours and sentiments of arts-goers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, to support decision-making and forward planning across the arts sector. Baseline data for the Audience Outlook Monitor tracking study was collected in May in a cross-sector collaborative survey rocess involving 159 arts and culture organisations, including museums, galleries, performing arts organisations and festivals. Future data collection phases are planned for July and September 2020.
This webinar was held on Wednesday 10 June at 11:00am