Project History

Biennale Arte

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Biennale Arte 1954 – Sidney Nolan OM

Biennale Arte 1954 – Sidney Nolan OM

Artist(s):Sidney Nolan, Daryl Lindsay
Commissioner:Sidney Nolan, Daryl Lindsay

Australia began its representation at the Venice Biennale by providing a stage to three giants of Australian contemporary art at a particularly important moment in its history. The works of Sydney Nolan, Russell Drysale and William Dobell took on a personal and haunting expressiveness, using a poetic imagination to create uncompromising Australian legends. Image credits: Sidney Nolan, Constable Fitzpatrick and Kate Kelly, 1946 enamel paint on composition board, 90.7 x 121.2 cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Gift of Sunday Reed 1977. Image courtesy of the National Gallery of Australia

Image credits: Sidney Nolan, Constable Fitzpatrick and Kate Kelly, 1946 enamel paint on composition board, 90.7 x 121.2 cm National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Gift of Sunday Reed 1977. Image courtesy of the National Gallery of Australia

Biennale Arte 2019: Angelica Mesiti

Biennale Arte 2019: Angelica Mesiti

Artist(s): Angelica Mesiti
Curator: Juliana Engberg
Commissioner: Australia Council for the Arts

ASSEMBLY“ASSEMBLYengages with sound, music, performance, choreography and the moving image” said Angelica Mesiti, “and I use these forms of expression to explore the musical tropes of polyphony, cacophony, dissonance and harmony which, in the film installation I am creating, can be understood as metaphors for the range of dynamics within a democratic system.” Angelica Mesiti, ASSEMBLY , 2019 (production still ) three – channel video installation in architectural amphitheater. HD video projections, colour, six – channel mono sound, 25 mins, dimensions variable.

Image Credit © Photography: Josh Raymond

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