Please note: Some of the content on this page was published prior to the launch of Creative Australia and references the Australia Council. Read more.

Living Culture – Interactive Dashboards

Sep 25, 2017


Living Culture presents arts and culture data from the ABS’s National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) about Indigenous Australians’ engagement with First Nations arts, festivals, languages and broadcasting, and attendance at arts and cultural venues and events. The data can be explored through interactive dashboards, or downloaded in detailed tables with breakdowns by a range of characteristics including by state/territory and remoteness areas. Living Culture contributes to the growing body of evidence about the critical role of culture as the foundation of First Nations wellbeing.

Click here to go to the Living Culture project homepage.

Interactive Dashboards

Scroll down or click links below to explore more findings through our interactive dashboards. Filter results by age, gender and location.
Overall engagement and attendance
Engagement by region and gender
Engagement by state/territory
Economic arts participation
Engagement with First Nations broadcasting

Overall engagement and attendance

First Nations females are more likely to engage with First Nations arts and attend arts and cultural venues. Younger First Nations people aged 15-24 have low rates of First Nations arts engagement but high rates of attendance at arts and cultural venues. Explore here how engagement and attendance varies across age groups and gender.


Engagement by region and gender

Females engagement and attendance tends to be higher than males, across remote and regional Australia and in major cities. Explore this data by gender and region.


Engagement by state/territory

Explore First Nations engagement and attendance by state/territory.


Economic arts participation

First Nations females, older people and those in remote areas are more likely to earn income from First Nations arts.


Engagement with First Nations broadcasting

First Nations TV and radio are ways that First Nations people can engage with their arts and cultural expression, and see themselves and their identities reflected. Engagement is highest in remote Australia. Explore across age group, gender and region.