Arts Strategy

The Australia Council’s International Arts Strategy details the aims, objectives and approaches of our international work.

It ensures our effective investment in international activity and guides us in maximising international opportunities for Australian artists.

The strategy is informed by deep sector consultation and research commissioned by the Australia Council.

Aims and objectives

The International Arts Strategy adheres to the goals set out in the Australia Council Strategic Plan 2014-2019: A culturally ambitious nation, particularly Goal One: Australian arts are without borders.

The objectives of our international work are:

  • To build capacity and increase growth for Australian arts in established markets, while responding to emerging trends and new markets
  • To build capacity of the Australian arts sector to engage and participate internationally
  • To showcase Australian art and artists internationally and here in Australia to international taste makers
  • To provide opportunities for cultural exchange, skills and creative development within a global context
  • To support and stimulate international opportunities for Australian artists
  • To support a diverse and inclusive global art making practice that actively prioritizes First Nations, disability, ageing and young people-focused practices.

Priority areas and art forms

Based on our research, market intelligence and experience in market through the work of our International Development Consultants, our strategy identifies priority geographic regions for international arts activity, pinpointing priority art forms in each region. Current geographic and art form priorities include:

  • Western Europe – Emerging and Experimental arts, Theatre, Dance, Visual Arts
  • North America – Literature, Visual Arts, Theatre, Dance, First Nations Arts
  • South Asia – Visual Arts, Dance, Emerging and Experimental
  • South East Asia – Theatre, Dance, Emerging and Experimental Arts
  • North Asia – Theatre, Dance, Emerging and Experimental Arts, First Nations Arts



Project approaches employed to deliver the International Arts Strategy include inbound and outbound delegations, presenter platforms, residencies, research and capacity building initiatives.

Click here for our current international development opportunities.

Our approaches are governed by the overarching principles of:

  • Retain: Maintain or continue to build Australia’s profile and capability in markets where the Australian arts sector is already active and well regarded.
  • Leverage: Grow Australia’s profile and capability in markets where there is interest and moderate engagement with the Australian arts sector.
  • Grow: Develop new opportunities, build intelligence and test for interest in markets where the Australian arts sector is not yet active.