Program Overview
We regularly seek out strategic partnerships with other institutions to invest in arts leadership development beyond what the Australia Council will deliver directly. These partnerships enhance the program by targeting specific priority areas that are not covered by the core program. We acknowledge other organisations might be better placed than the Australia Council to deliver certain priority areas or already have programs in place that we can play a role in, enhancing outcomes for the sector.
Current Partnerships and Scholarships

Milparanga Program
This opportunity will open for selection in 2019.
Please visit this page again in 2019 for more information.
For more information on the program visit the ARLF website.

ISPA Australia Fellowship
Applications are currently closed for the Australia Council ISPA Australia Fellowship.
For more information and programs currently available please visit the ISPA website.

Chief Executive Program and Creative Community Fellows
More information will be made available in late 2018

Visit the International Leadership Program website for more information
Past Partnerships and Scholarships programs:
Australian Rural Leadership Program
Sir John Monash Foundation Cultural Scholarship