Delivery Partners

About Delivery Partners

As part of Creative Australia’s multi-year investment program for 2025–28, we have introduced a new stream of investment – Delivery Partners – to support the provision of services to the arts and creative industries. 

Delivery Partners are organisations that receive Creative Australia investment to provide services for artists, creative workers, organisations, and enterprises, which benefit our creative ecology, communities and audiences.

Recent opportunities

There are currently two open proposal rounds for Delivery Partners:

Delivery Partner – First Nations Writing Services

Delivery Partner – Dance Services

Key Points  

  • Delivery Partners is not an open, application-based category. 
  • Delivery Partnerships are negotiated agreements between a service provider and Creative Australia. 
  • We acknowledge that some organisations that present programs of artistic activity also provide services. Creative Australia will continue to provide opportunities for such organisations through its Four Year Investment for Organisations (FYIO) category, as well as through the Delivery Partners stream. 
  • Creative Australia has invited a limited number of service organisations that were previously funded through Four Year Funding for Organisations 2021-24 to become Delivery Partners. 
  • Creative Australia through Music Australia has also invested in a limited number of pilot Delivery Partners in the music sector, with more partnerships to be developed in 2024–25. 
  • With funds available Creative Australia has now identified two further priorities for Delivery Partner investments for 2025–28: in disability arts services and climate action services. 
  • A call for proposals from potential Delivery Partners to provide services in Disability Arts or for Climate Action will be made in June 2024. 
  • With the establishment of First Nations First and Writing Australia in 2024 and 2025 respectively, other opportunities to invest in Delivery Partners may be identified. 
  • Creative Australia acknowledges that there are many services that are still needed across the sector and will continue to identify and support priorities where possible. 
  • As opportunities arise, Creative Australia will conduct an open or invited call for proposals, depending on the nature of services we are seeking to support – please visit partners regularly for updates.  

To respond to specific opportunities for Delivery Partner when we make a call for proposals, please ensure you have the relevant service delivery statement for that opportunity.

We strongly encourage you to contact us to discuss your proposal in the context of your circumstances.

We also offer the following additional resources to these guidelines: 

  • frequently asked questions 
  • our guide to preparing a business plan 
  • links to services that offer free, confidential support (see below) 

Delivery Partner proposals are reviewed and decided upon through a single stage process. 

Investment levels are specific to each opportunity, please refer to the relevant service delivery statement for this information.

Delivery Partner Investment for organisations approved after review will support activities for different timeframes, depending on the opportunity, from one year up to four years. This will be specified in the relevant service delivery statement.

See the specific guidelines at the below links: 

Delivery Partner – Climate Action Services 

Delivery Partner – Disability Arts Services  

Delivery Partners have separate, service-based investment agreements with Creative Australia.  

This ensures that clear expectations with Delivery Partners are set regarding the main services they will offer, enabling us to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of investment in these services.  

It also means that Creative Australia has a better strategic overview of the services in which it invests. 

In introducing this new stream of investment our aim was not to disrupt the great work already being done in the provision of services. 

For this reason, we implemented a two-stage approach for 2025–28 Delivery Partners: 

  1. For the first stage in 2023, we directly approached 16 organisations to submit proposals for specific services. These were service organisations that previously received investment through Four Year Funding for Organisations 2021-24. 
  2. For the second stage in 2024, Creative Australia is working within a limited budget, with the next investments to be made in Disability Arts and Climate Action Services. 

With the establishment of Music Australia in 2023, additional pilot Delivery Partner investments were implemented to address strategic needs. Music Australia continue to identify other potential longer-term investments utilising the service delivery model.  

As First Nations First and Writing Australia are established in 2024 and 2025 respectively, we anticipate other service needs will be identified and proposals for potential Delivery Partners sought in those sectors. 

Creative Australia identifies priorities for service delivery based on our knowledge of the sector and the feedback from Industry Advisors and Peer Assessors. We also aim to support investment in the provision of services at a national level.  

For 2025-28, Creative Australia has invited a limited number of service organisations that were previously funded through Four Year Funding for Organisations 2021-24 to become Delivery Partners. These organisations have a strong track record of delivering services. 

Creative Australia takes into consideration the support for services offered by other government jurisdictions. We acknowledge the significant contributions made by state and territory funding agencies to the provision of services within their jurisdictions.  

Creative Australia intends that our investment complements services supported by states and territories in meeting the needs of individual arts practice areas, and the needs of the sector across the cultural and creative industries. 

We acknowledge that given our limited budget there is a greater need in the sector for the provision of services than we are able to fund. Creative Australia will continue to advocate for further investment to meet this need.  

A full list of Delivery Partners will be published soon.

Delivery Partners is not an open application-based investment program such as Four Year Investment or Arts Projects. We encourage organisations that deliver services to their sector at national level to contact us to register their interest in these opportunities. 

As opportunities arise, Creative Australia will conduct an open or invited call for proposals, depending on the nature of services we are seeking to support.  

Delivery Partner proposals are reviewed by Industry Advisors, who provide advice and recommendations to Creative Australia. 

Upon acceptance of a proposal, Creative Australia will negotiate an agreement with a Delivery Partner and identify key performance indicators by which we evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the services delivered.  

Over the coming years, Creative Australia will build a national portfolio of Delivery Partners that is responsive to sector needs and that will likely change across time to provide relevant support to the sector.

Frequently asked questions

Information on the proposal process and key dates is specific to each Delivery Partner opportunity and is available on our website.

Information on the proposal process and key dates is specific to each Delivery Partner opportunity and is available on our website.

Yes, all proposals will need a Business Plan submitted. A template for this Business Plan is available within the proposal form in FLUXX and here.

In the proposal form we have requested information on the demographic characteristics and tenure of key staff and Board members. This assists in our review of applications to understand the diversity and experience of key staff and Board members. This is in alignment with our corporate objective that Australian arts organisations reflect the communities which they serve.

This data is used in accordance with our  privacy policy. 

You need a director identification number (director ID) if you’re a director of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation. Refer to the ABRS websitefor detailed information on why this is required. 

This data is used in accordance with our  privacy policy. 

In the proposal form we have included a section regarding a remuneration fee matrix.  information. This matrix is to assist us to clearly see remuneration (excluding superannuation) of people working directly on the Delivery Partnership activity. 

This data is used in accordance with our  privacy policy.

For the purposes of this matrix, please gross-up any part-time remuneration to the full-time equivalent amount. The Casual Hourly rate should be inclusive of loading.  

Types of organisations we can support include incorporated associations, companies limited by guarantee or government statutory authorities. Organisations may be required to provide a certificate of incorporation or evidence of their current legal status.

Proposals can also be accepted from consortiums if the lead organisation is an incorporated association, company limited by guarantee or government statutory authority.

No, only organisations that are registered under Australian law can apply. Further detail on who can apply to the program is available on our website.

Yes, if you can demonstrate that: 

  • the investment will support activities that address the service needs specified 
  • there is a compelling financial rationale for subsidising these activities 
  • none of Creative Australia’s investment will be distributed to shareholders or directors. 

Further detail on who can apply to the program is available on our website. 

Yes, multi-year investment organisations are eligible to apply and must demonstrate that: 

  • the investment will support activities that address the service needs specified 
  • these services are distinct from your funded core activity 
  • As a multi-year investment organisation, you may be not eligible to apply for the Arts Projects for Organisations category. Eligibility will be determined based on the level of annual investment you receive.  
  • Other proposals you submit to Creative Australia will need to demonstrate the activities are outside the scope of your Delivery Partner Investment proposal or agreement. 
  • Eligibility for other investment opportunities will be published in the guidelines for each program. 

Yes. You will need to demonstrate that your organisation generates diverse income streams; however, those income streams can come from any source.

Further detail on who can apply to the program is available on our website.

Trustee companies and Trusts are not eligible to apply.

We will accept your eligibility to submit an application based on your intention to change the company structure prior to receiving our investment.

If you have an overdue acquittal or outstanding reporting with us, you are ineligible to submit a proposal.

Yes, if your organisation is registered under, or by, Australian law. If you do not have a board or governing committee, you will need to explain what mechanisms you do have in place to oversee the effective management and sustainability of your organisation.

Information on the funding level is specific to each Delivery Partner opportunity and can be found in the relevant service delivery statement available on our website.

Organisations that have proposals approved may be offered an investment amount lower than what was requested.

Delivery Partners proposals will be reviewed by Industry Advisors who will make recommendations to Creative Australia. If approved, the Delivery Partner will enter into a negotiated investment agreement with Creative Australia. This agreement will include key performance indicators that measure the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.

Proposals will be reviewed by Industry Advisors who will make recommendations for Creative Australia to consider when making the final investment decisions for organisations. The Industry Advisors will review proposals relevant to their knowledge and experience.

The full list of Industry Advisors will be published on our website following notification.

Further detail on Industry Advice is available in the guidelines on Creative Australia website.

Industry Advisors will be people with relevant experience and knowledge.

We are using the Industry Advisor method of review so that we can take account of the recommendations of experts in the industry while also taking a strategic overview of the entire national landscape. Industry Advisors will make recommendations after reviewing proposals within an arts practice area. Creative Australia will then consider their recommendations within the context of a national investment portfolio.

Industry Advice involves a significant process of review, commentary, and deliberation by external experts. However, it also involves Creative Australia staff allowing for greater strategic oversight and capacity to shape the investment portfolio to meet the needs of the entire sector.

To ensure that our investment in the national landscape is effective, we need to take into consideration a range of investments including state and territory investments, the National Performing Arts Partnership Framework (NPAPF), Visual Arts, Craft and Design Framework (VACDF) and Four-Year Investment for Organisations (FYIO).

Importantly, this model of review and decision-making remains at arm’s length from government.

The proposal requires you to supply: 

  • projected high level income and expenditure for each financial year of the investment period, i.e., 2025/26, 2026/27, 2027/28, 2028/29. 
  • The latest two years of your audited accounts (or equivalent), i.e., 2021/22, 2022/23  

The proposal requires you to supply: 

  • projected high level income and expenditure for the next four years, i.e., 2025, 2026, 2027 & 2028 
  • The latest two years of your audited accounts (or equivalent), i.e., 2022, 2023  

Yes. However, to be competitive, you will need to demonstrate your organisational capacity and viability. Factors that will strengthen your organisation’s capacity and viability include confirmed future funding and the track record of your key staff and board.

Yes, please be sure to include the relevant support material and data with your proposal, so Industry Advisors can assess your proposal.

You can use the certified accounts that you do produce to complete the financial data in the proposal, and you can attach these accounts as support material.

If you are approved for Delivery Partner Investment you will be required to provide us with accounts verified by an external certified accountant as part of your regular reporting, so be sure to include the resources required to do so your future budget projections.

No late support material may be submitted.

The only support material we will accept after the closing date is audited accounts for the most recent financial year.

If you need to submit these accounts after the closing date, please send them to Be sure to include your proposal reference number in the email.

Please note: late support material is not distributed to Industry Advisors with your proposal. We make a note of it on file and bring it to the attention of Industry Advisors at our discretion.

Although letters of support are not specifically requested, you may supply them if you wish. You can include up to five letters of support, with each letter not exceeding one A4 page. We encourage you to use one of the three URLs allocated for further Support Material to supply letters of support, but if you prefer you can upload a PDF document in the ‘uploaded support material’ section of the online form instead.

You will not be penalised for providing additional support material beyond the recommended limit of 3 URLs, but we do advise against overwhelming the assessors with material. Make the selection that best demonstrates the quality of your organisation’s artistic output.

Your Business Plan should address how your organisation plans to deliver the services and cover all of the investment period outlined in the relevant service delivery statement.

Please upload your Business Plan with your support material. A template for this Business Plan is available here and within the proposal form.