Please note: Some of the content on this page was published prior to the launch of Creative Australia and references the Australia Council. Read more.

First Nations’ Roundtables Season 1

for arts and creative independents and organisations


The Australia Council for the Arts hosted a series of First Nations’ Roundtables for arts and creative independents, and organisations, to discuss the current situation that affects us all in relation to COVID-19.

We appreciate that you are all managing challenging circumstances and that people want to have a First Nations perspective on these rapidly changing times.

A weekly Roundtable enabled people to connect, share and put forward ideas on how we navigate this period of the COVID-19 challenge.



  1. Current Situation 
  2. Digital Space 
  3. Mental and Spiritual Health 
  4. Industry Panel 1 
  5. Advocating the Arts 
  6. Advocating Arts 
  7. Advocating Arts 2 
  8. Industry on stage 
  9. Now and the future 
  10. Protecting our Cultural Knowledge and Heritage 
  11. Red Carpet Roundtable 
  12. Youth and Culture 
  13. Festivals 
  14. Signature Works 
  15. Chosen – passing on knowledge between generations 
  16. And over to you… 



Please contact Michael Hutchings directly if you require further information.

Phone: Michael Hutchings, Project Manager First Nations 0490 299 493