Cherish II
The Cherish II Fund is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption experienced by the First Nations arts and cultural sector and community.
About Cherish II
The Cherish II Fund is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption experienced by the First Nations arts and cultural sector and community. The Cherish II Fund has been informed by the First Nations Roundtables and the sector discussions and consultations in which the themes have focused on the sector priorities and needs through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cherish II Fund grants are available to First Nations individuals, groups and organisations to:
- Protect senior custodians and elders as they are the source of cultural knowledge for cultural and artistic expressions through song, dance, story, images and narrative.
- Explore and interrogate artistic and creative methodologies and processes to construct innovative models of creating artistic works.
- Developing creative entrepreneurship through innovative business models to increase the ability of artists and creatives to manage and sustain a career portfolio through the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Support the professional skill development of arts workers to increase capacity and capability in navigating a digital world.
- Development of partnerships and co-funding to deliver projects of scale.
The Cherish II Fund has four (4) grant streams, they are:
- Living Libraries: supporting our cultural knowledge and intergenerational collaborations
- Creative Practice: supporting artistic creative expression
- Creative Entrepreneur: supporting business models to expand your practice
- Creative Workforce: supporting our artworkers in a digital world
Applications should be considerate of COVID-19 gathering restrictions put in place by state and federal governments.
Your activity should last no longer than two years from the proposed start date.
The purpose of the Cherish II Fund is to provide support for First Nations arts and cultural groups and organisations and their respective sector and membership base through the investment of strategic monies. The investment scale is minimum $5,000 to maximum $50,000.
As this is a First Nations strategic initiative you will be required to provide: –
- a program of activities within a month of receipt of grant
- regular interim reports
- a final grant report at the completion of your project
Applications are now closed.
Amount: $5,000 to $50,000
Applications closed: 6 October 2020 for activities commencing from 1 December 2020.
Applications closed at 3pm AEDT on the closing date.
Notifications: You will be notified by 30 November 2020.
Please note: To apply you must be registered in our Application Management System a minimum of two business days prior to the closing date.