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Jacob Boehme, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Fellow 2019



Blood on the Dance Floor, Arts House, 2016 – credit: Bryony Jackson

Jacob Boehme, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Fellow 2019

Jacob is a Melbourne born and raised artist of the Narangga and Kaurna Nations in South Australia. He is a multi-disciplinary theatre maker and choreographer, creating work for stage, screen, large-scale public events and festivals. He was the founding Creative Director of Melbourne’s YIRRAMBOI First Nations Arts Festival.

Boehme’s debut solo work Blood on the Dance Floor produced in partnership with ILBIJERRI Theatre Company, premiered in 2016 at Arts House North Melbourne to critical acclaim, followed by a season at Sydney Festival. Blood on the Dance Floor won the Green Room Award for Best Production in 2017. The production has gone on to tour nationally and internationally.

Boehme has worked in cultural maintenance, research, and revival of traditional dance with elders and youth from Indigenous communities across Australia. In 2018 he received the Green Room Award for Curatorial Contribution to Contemporary and Experimental Arts.

Boehme is an original member of Assitej International’s Next Generation of Youth Theatre Leaders, a recipient of an Asialink Residency, and an alumnus of the British Council’s INTERSECT and ACCELERATE programs. He is the Australian representative on the Republic of China Ministry of Culture (Taiwan) South East Asia Advisory Committee, member of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK) International Advisory Panel – Inquiry into the Civic Role of Arts Organisations and sits on the Board of Directors for Blakfulla Performing Arts Alliance. He is a graduate of the Victorian College of the Arts.

Learn more about the 2020 First Nations Arts Awards.