Media Releases


Minister for the Arts, Peter Garrett, today announced the appointment of Ms Chrissy Sharp as Chair of the Australia Council Dance Board.

“I am delighted Ms Sharp has agreed to accept this appointment. Ms Sharp has more than 20 years experience in the arts and will bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Dance Board,”  Mr Garrett said.

Ms Sharp has recently returned to Australia to take up her current role as the Director of the Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas in Melbourne.

Among her previous appointments Ms Sharp was General Manager of Sadlers Wells Dance Theatre (London), a Board Director of Cheek by Jowl Theatre Company (London) and the General Manager of the Sydney Festival. She has previously held the positions of Head of Policy at SBS and the Executive Director of the Australian Writersí Guild.

“Ms Sharp’s experience in managing arts organisations is a great asset to the Australia Council and her leadership will be invaluable.”

Ms Sharp has been appointed for a three year term and will replace outgoing Chair, Ms Dominique Fisher.

“I extend my thanks to Ms Fisher for her service as Chair of the Dance Board for the last three years. Her strong work and achievements have established a sound platform for the incoming Chair,” Mr Garrett said.

The Australia Council is the Australian Government’s principal arts funding body. It has seven boards that administer the council’s funding to Australia’s arts sector. The Dance Board supports the development and growth of Australian Dance.

Media contact: Ben Pratt 0419 968 734



Brianna Roberts


(02) 9215 9030


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