Media Releases


The Australia Council for the Arts is committed to the development of a reconciliation action plan by 30 December 2007. Development of this reconciliation action plan will involve consultation with internal and external stakeholders including Indigenous staff, clients and the local community.

Our statement of commitment

The Australia Council for the Arts is committed to the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan because it will strengthen our society by increasing mutual respect and understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. We believe that the arts play a key role in addressing challenges concerning identity, expression, mutual understanding and a sense of belonging. We endorse the work of Reconciliation Australia and will work with them to embed the values of reconciliation in our organisation and with our key stakeholders.

About us

The Australia Council for the Arts is the Australian Government’s arts funding and advisory body. It supports and promotes excellence in the arts and community engagement with them. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and culture contribute to the richness and diversity that is contemporary Australian culture. The arts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are valued and supported in Australia and on the international arts scene. The Australia Council embraces the vibrancy and vitality of Indigenous Australian art as a key element in defining and celebrating Australia.

The aims of our action plan

The objectives of the Australia Council Reconciliation Action Plan over the next three years are to:

  • ensure that all decisions related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and reconciliation within the Australia Council are informed by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts policy
  • involve Australia Council staff and peers in generating and implementing ideas, to achieve reconciliation through the arts
  • develop opportunities for cross-cultural understanding
  • increase awareness of reconciliation in the way we do our business
  • develop increasingly effective ways to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, artsworkers and arts organisations
  • build links with other key stakeholders
  • maintain and improve networking opportunities
  • acknowledge the level of support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts activities, through building awareness.

Kathy Keele
Chief Executive Officer



Brianna Roberts


(02) 9215 9030


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