Media Releases


Performing arts leaders from Europe and Asia will descend on Melbourne next May as part of a knowledge and cultural exchange event to increase international collaboration and engagement.

The Australia Council for the Arts and the International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM) will present the three-day meeting in partnership with Arts Centre Melbourne (Asian Performing Arts Program) and Next Wave from Monday 12 May to Wednesday 14 May 2014. It will be held at Arts Centre Melbourne.

Australia Council Acting Executive Director Arts Development Collette Brennan said this was the first IETM Satellite meeting to be held in Australia, bringing together the most prestigious and innovative performing arts producers and presenters from Europe, Asia and Australia.

IETM is the largest and oldest European network for the performing arts with more than 500 members from 50 countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and Australia, Ms Brennan said.In the past decade IETM has sought to broaden its membership outside Europe and a number of the biannual meetings have been held in Asia, including Singapore, China and Japan.

A meeting in Australia has been discussed for a number of years, and this event will build on the existing partnerships and artistic opportunities already established in the region.

The event will bring together key players in the Asian, European and Australian performing arts sector to share expertise, build partnerships and create strong networks to facilitate the development of future projects.

Australian performing artists and arts organisations will have unique access to influential and dynamic European and Asian arts leaders and the opportunity to showcase the diverse talent we have in our region.

The meeting coincides with the Next Wave Festival and delegates will participate in its events held on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 May. The festival will present a range of new work from innovative Australian and international performing and visual artists, including theatre, dance, media and installation art.

Delegates will enjoy a curated weekend of activities that have been programmed for this year’s festival and meet some of the artists and producers involved, Ms Brennan said.

The IETM Satellite meeting will start on the Monday and delegates can look forward to interesting presentations and speakers from some of the world’s leading performing arts companies, workshops with industry peers and making new contacts within the sector.

Australian participants in the satellite meeting will be selected by an Expressions of Interest process.

Artists and arts workers from across the nation with a proven track record of working in Asia are invited to submit an application. Applicants will need to meet selection criteria to ensure those participating are able to follow up on the opportunities created by this significant meeting.

Interested companies should contact Australia Council IETM Collaboration Project Director Sophie Travers via email:



Brianna Roberts


(02) 9215 9030


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