Media Releases


Five new research priorities will strengthen the Australia Council’s role as a knowledge centre for the arts.

The research priorities are part of a new three-year research plan which has been endorsed by the governing Council.

These priorities are the economic performance of the arts, public consumption and participation in the arts, private sector support for the arts, effect of digital technologies on the production and consumption of the arts, and development of the online research hub.

Australia Council chief executive officer Kathy Keele said the new research agenda underlined the organisation’s leadership role to the arts sector.

“The Australia Council has long been at the forefront of research into Australia’s arts and culture. We currently have more than 40 formal research projects in progress across the organisation, including 13 Australian Research Council linkage projects,” she said.

“Our new research priorities will help focus these activities. They will provide us with the hard data to drive our advocacy and planning into the future. And we might find out some interesting facts along the way.”

The Australia Council’s agenda will be led by the newly appointed director of research and analysis Dr Nick Herd. The research program includes commissioning research projects both independently and in collaboration with other government agencies and universities.

The agenda builds on current research into practising professional artists, welfare, occupational health and safety and the creative workforce. The Australia Council is currently an industry partner in three large projects receiving ARC Linkage grants –  the five-year “large screens project” studying cross-cultural big screen events, a three-year study of arts education and student achievement, and a five-year project into orchestral musicians’ health, safety and injury prevention.



Brianna Roberts


(02) 9215 9030


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