Media Releases


The governing body of the Australia Council has resolved to reorganise the Council’s structures and processes to make it a stronger catalyst for arts growth and development in Australia.

The Australia Council’s CEO, Ms Jennifer Bott, said the planned changes would position the Council, as the Australian Government’s arts funding and advisory body, to take a greater leadership role in the sector.

The Australia Council has to drive improvements in the arts sector, by building the capabilities of artists and arts organisations, and by looking for ways to increase support for the arts from all sources,’ Ms Bott said.

‘In 2004 we have been reviewing our role and our organisation to ensure we are a catalyst for greater impact,’ she said.

The reorganisation plans were formulated by a Council task force which considered a wide range of options and consulted with staff over the past six months.

The task force, headed by the Council’s deputy chair, Terrey Arcus, included Council members Michael Snelling (then chair, new media arts board and then acting chair, visual arts/craft board), Adam Lewis, (community interest representative), Ian McRae (chair, theatre board) and Jennifer Bott, Australia Council CEO.



Brianna Roberts


(02) 9215 9030


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