Key stakeholders from the new media/hybrid arts sector met at the Australia Council premises in Sydney on 22 March to discuss the Council’s planned reorganisation.
The workshop continued discussion on the Council’s proposed model for support of new media and hybrid arts. An earlier workshop was held on 21 February.
The meeting resolved that the Council will:
- support a new media practice conference in September, in association with RMIT and the Australian Film Commission
- conduct a scoping study of new media/hybrid art following the September conference, with terms of reference to be agreed by a reference group of workshop members and Council staff
- offer the normal closing date for new media art on 1 November 2005 (New Work, New Work (R&D) and Residencies). This is to help the field with the transition to the new structure, and will be assessed in the same way as proposed for the 1 May 2005 closing date.
Attending the workshop were Fiona Winning (Performance Space), Rachael Swain (practitioner), Sarah Miller (PICA), Daryl Buckley (practitioner), Fabienne Nicholas (Experimenta Media Arts), Keith Gallasch (RealTime), Lyndal Jones (practitioner), David Cranswick (dLux media Arts), Francesca da Rimini (practitioner), Caroline Farmer (chair of ANAT), Julian Knowles (Australia COuncil Music Board), Julienne Pierce (ANAT), and Rea (practitioner), with apologies from Kim Machin (Multimedia Arts Asia-Pacific) and Mike Stubbs (ACMI).
Council members who attended were Terrey Arcus (Council deputy chair), Ian McRae (Theatre Board chair), Michael Snelling (former New Media Arts Board chair), Jennifer Bott (CEO) and Lesley Alway (Visual Arts/Craft Board chair).
Several Council staff also attended: Ben Strout (Arts Development Division, executive director), Anna Waldmann (Visual Arts/Craft Board manager), Peta Williams (Music Board manager), Andy Donovan (New Media Arts Board manager), and consultants Martin Baird and Duncan Peppercorn.
Brianna Roberts