This initiative is a result of the partnership between Arts NSW and the Australia Council for the Arts.
Western Sydney artists and NSW Aboriginal artists will soon have a mentor to help them raise funds and build relationships with philanthropists.
The Australia Council for the Arts and the NSW Government are both contributing $80,000 per annum to fund the NSW State Manager position within Artsupport Australia, an Australia Council initiative to grow cultural philanthropy.
Arts Minister Virginia Judge said the role will have a strong focus on both Western Sydney and Aboriginal organisations and artists.
“This extra support will provide a real boost for two growing sectors of the NSW arts scene – Aboriginal arts and culture and Western Sydney-based artists and organisations,” she said. “The NSW Manager will focus on increasing philanthropic support for these groups by accessing donor programs and grants from family and corporate foundations. The position is based three days per week in Parramatta and two days in Sydney.
“I strongly encourage Indigenous and Western Sydney residents with experience in the arts and cultural sector to consider applying for this position.”
Artsupport Australia director, Louise Walsh, said the national initiative has facilitated more than $45 million in philanthropic income for more than 200 artists and 600 cultural organisations since its launch in 2003.
“Artsupport Australia state managers in Darwin, Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne have each built active and ongoing fundraising/mentoring relationships with, on average, over 100 cultural organisations and artists,” she said. “The NSW Manager position will now bring focus to NSW, the biggest and busiest state for fundraising activity.”
Australia Council CEO, Kathy Keele, said a 2008 survey revealed private funding of arts organisations in Western Sydney was small compared with other areas. “There is a huge appetite in Western Sydney for cultural experiences, for creative opportunities and for the sort of cultural affirmations of community and place which the arts can bring,” she said.
“The position will also be able to reap the benefits of the growing appreciation for Aboriginal art and culture, as identified in the recent Australia Council research, More than bums on seats: Australian participation in the arts.”
The Artsupport NSW Manager position is now being advertised online – click here for details.
Media contact: Georgie Klug 9228 5900 or Australia Council (Robyn Gower) 9215 9176
Brianna Roberts