The Australia Council for the Arts and the International Society of Performing Arts (ISPA) are offering performing arts professionals an opportunity to develop their leadership skills as part of a new mentoring program.
Australia Council Chief Executive Tony Grybowski said the Arts Legacy Program was supported by the council and would be delivered by ISPA. It will provide access to ISPA’s extensive international network of arts professionals for five early to mid-career leaders from Australia’s performing arts community.
The Australia Council identified a gap in leadership training for arts leaders and has responded by establishing the Capacity Development Program to build on these skills through scholarships, partnerships with other organisations and mentoring, Mr Grybowski said.
Performing arts professionals who are committed to advancing the sector in a global context would benefit most from the program.
It is important the council provides initiatives which nurture future leaders in the arts sector.
This kind of professional development fosters viable and stimulating careers and enhances the capacity of those leading our important arts organisations.
The Arts Legacy Program is a new part of the wider initiative and will provide participants with the opportunity to exchange ideas with leaders from some of the world’s most significant arts organisations, artist management agencies, cultural policy groups, foundations and festivals.
It will be offered for up to three years and includes in the first year a full pass registration to the New York 2014 ISPA Congress, Imagining a new economy for the arts, in January, travel and accommodation expenses and a mentor through participation in ISPA’s Community Building Program.
Pending a successful review, candidates will be eligible to participate for up to two more years.
The Arts Legacy Program builds on the successful Emerging Leaders Development Program, which is now taking applications.
The Emerging Leaders Development Program is a five-day residential workshop, followed by mentoring and coaching with respected senior executives.
Like the Arts Legacy Program, participants will enhance their leadership skills, establish important contacts in the arts sector and share knowledge and learn from experienced facilitators.
Program costs, including meals and accommodation, will covered by The Australia Council.
Applications for both programs close on Friday, 22 November and successful applicants will be advised in December.
Brianna Roberts