Media Releases


The Australia Council is excited to announce we will be partnering with Next Wave to deliver Jump Mentoring in 2013.

The newly expanded program supports creative practitioners in the early stages of their careers to work on an applied mentorship and creative project with a mentor who helps them jump to the next level.

Based in Melbourne, Next Wave supports emerging artists to take creative risks, establish critically-engaged professional practices and launch their work into a wider artistic and public domain through development programs and a curated biennial festival.

As the industry partner Next Wave will be delivering a dynamic mentorship induction and skills intensive for recipients of Jump and providing support throughout the duration of the mentorship.

“We think this model of collaboration between industry and government is terrific; partly for how well it channels money directly to early career artists, and now – curators, editors, producers and collectives. This is a big moment for Next Wave. We are thrilled to be sharing our rigorous and sought-after development approach with more, and different, people.” Emily Sexton, Artistic Director

Kath Melbourne, Program Director, ArtStart says “The partnership represents the core strengths of both organisations. The Australia Council is providing its resources effectively to the robust tasks of application, assessment and acquittal while harnessing the talents of Next Wave to deliver timely, relevant and dynamic professional development opportunities to participants on the ground. We hope that this partnership gleans new networks and new opportunities for participants for years to come”

The new website for Jump Mentoring has just been launched and applications are now are now open. Applications close 19 October 2012.

For Further information on how to apply for JUMP please contact:

Laura Naimo

Program Officer, Early Career Artists and Producers Programs

Phone 02 9215 9129, Email



Brianna Roberts


(02) 9215 9030


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