The Australia Council has continued work to establish the community partnerships (CP) section this year.
We remain committed to ensuring an even more dynamic and effective role for the organisation for encouraging and supporting the development and practice – including community cultural development practice – of the arts in Australia.
Below is an update on the progress so far, including work on the CCD grant programs and the Community Partnerships Scoping Study.
Community partnerships and CCD programs
The implementation of the CP section is now well underway, with the team formally established on 1 August 2005. Responsibility for the CCD programs is being moved into CP, the inter-arts office and the newly formed key organisations unit.
Staff are working to ensure all CCD programs and activities continue to be managed, including follow-up from the recent and final assessment meeting of the community cultural development board, and the lead up to the assessment meeting later this year of CCD applications.
Staff member Kate Baker has been appointed acting program manager of CP until the position is filled on a permanent basis.
The new director of key organisations, Atul Joshi, will be working with current CCD triennial companies over the coming months until a dedicated client manager is appointed. Andy Donovan, director of the inter-arts office, will be overseeing the CCD project grants process with Kate Baker until a program manager has been appointed to the CP section.
Staff member Elizabeth Tupper will be working with Karilyn Brown, executive director of community partnerships and market develeopment, at a senior level to progress all matters related to the effective and smooth implementation of the CP section.
It is anticipated that a new Councillor, who will chair the Community Partnerships Committee, will be appointed shortly by the Federal Minister for the Arts.
An executive search agency has been appointed to assist with the recruitment process for the director of community partnerships.
CCD grant programs will remain in place for 2006 to ensure stability for the CCD sector during this period of transition.
At its September 2005 meeting, the Council will consider membership of the Community Partnerships and the Interim Community Partnerships Assessment Committee, which will make decisions on CCD grant programs until the end of 2006.
The Australia Council will maintain regular and close communications with state and territory governments regarding its commitment to CCD, CCD grant programs, CCD funding and the Scoping Study.
Community Partnerships Scoping Study
We anticipate that the reference group overseeing the scoping study will be established in September 2005.
The reference group will provide recommendations to the Council on the best model for the ongoing support for arts in the community, including CCD. It will have an advisory, not a decision-making role.
It will comprise seven members, two of whom will be nominated by the Australia Council and two representatives nominated by the National Arts and Cultural Alliance.
A dedicated project manager for the Scoping Study will be appointed shortly.
The Terms of Reference for the Scoping Study are being developed, and will be done in consultation with the reference group and finalised by the CEO.
The Australia Council will be consulting with all states and territories regarding the Scoping Study, ensuring that they have input to the information, data and research undertaken through the study.
The Australia Council remains committed to ensuring the Community Partnerships Scoping Study is proactive, rigorous and well-informed, and a forward-thinking process.
Brianna Roberts