Please note: Some of the content on this page was published prior to the launch of Creative Australia and references the Australia Council. Read more.

Culture and the Gender Pay Gap for Australian artists

Culture and the Gender Pay Gap for Australian Artists considers the impact of cultural background on the relative incomes of male and female artists, and the different income relationships for First Nations artists living in different cultural communities around Australia. 

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2022 National Survey of Australian Book Authors

First Nations artists produce and market some of Australia’s most dynamic visual art, generating income and employment opportunities while maintaining and transmitting culture.

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Art and Cultural Production by First Nations Artists in Remote Australia

First Nations artists produce and market some of Australia’s most dynamic visual art, generating income and employment opportunities while maintaining and transmitting culture.

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Developments in Web3 for the Creative Industries

The Australia Council for the Arts and RMIT have come together to develop a new piece of research, Developments in Web3 for the Creative Industries.

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The Australia Council, with the First Nations Strategy Panel, will present Purrumpa – a national gathering and celebration of First Nations arts and culture – in October 2022.

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The Australia Council, with the First Nations Strategy Panel, will present Purrumpa – a national gathering and celebration of First Nations arts and culture – in October 2022.

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Impacts of COVID-19 on the Cultural and Creative Industries

Our cultural and creative industries play a vital role in our lives – in education, supporting the development of skills, and driving innovation and technology.
Our cultural and creative industries play a vital role in our lives – in education, supporting the development of skills, and driving innovation and technology.

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Purrumpa: Call out for Expression of Interest

For the first time in 50 years, we are coming together to tell our stories. Purrumpa is a National First Nations Arts and Culture Gathering, creating space for conversations that reflect…

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The Australia Council, with the First Nations Strategy Panel, will present Purrumpa – a national gathering and celebration of First Nations arts and culture – in October 2022.

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Keir Choreographic Award

The biennial Keir Choreographic Award (KCA), now in its fifth edition, is a premiere event for the Australian dance scene. It is an extraordinary fully paid opportunity for eight independent Australian artists to develop and share works with audiences and an esteemed jury of dance luminaries.

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Vivid Ideas: What the arts did next

Artists and creatives help us understand what it is to be human. They connect us to our past and imagine our future. Their ideas invite us to reimagine ourselves through projects of healing and redesign. Discover how artists can help solve the many challenges that arise in a global pandemic.

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