

We are committed to ensuring that all clients receive fair and reasonable treatment and an efficient standard of service that is sensitive to their individual needs.

We value your feedback and we will respond as appropriate in a timely and professional manner. We also seek feedback directly and through regular client satisfaction surveys. When you provide feedback, your privacy and confidentiality will be respected and protected.

You can provide a compliment, complaint or suggestion about any aspect of the services provided by Creative Australia by:

  1. Calling directly: 1800 226 912
  2. Writing to:
    Creative Australia
    PO Box 576
    Pyrmont NSW 2009
  3. Telling any staff member:
    If you wish to make a complaint, and are unable to resolve an issue with the person you are dealing with, in the first instance please ask your Creative Australia contact for the name and contact details of their manager. The manager involved will work with you to reach resolution. If you wish to make a written complaint, please ensure it is signed and sent to the address above or emailed to