Please note: Some of the content on this page was published prior to the launch of Creative Australia and references the Australia Council. Read more.

2015 Marketing Summit – Audiences: Yours, Mine, Ours

About the event

In June 2015, Tanks Arts Centre in Cairns played host to over 200 arts marketers at the Marketing Summit 2015: Audiences: yours, mine, ours and theirs.

Exploring audiences from every angle – building, developing and sustaining – the presenters challenged and inspired us with some of the best marketing practice from the last 12 months.

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Videos and notes from all of our key speaker presentations include:

  • Author and former CEO and president of Tourism Vancouver, Rick Antonson who opened the summit with the idea of “cathedral thinking” and how to effectively build long term audiences.
  • UK Strategy Director at Friday
  • Detailed research on Australian audiences – including Australia Council’s Indigenous audience perceptions; Creative Victoria’s in-depth state analysis of Victoria through the Audience Atlas; and Department of Culture and the Arts’ new analysis tool CultureCounts.
  • Practical workshops on ticketing, segmentation, digital media planning, crowdsourcing and the latest in direct marketing.
  • Music legend Archie Roach AM and actor and director

The marketing summit focused on the academic research that compliments the overarching theme that opened this year’s summit – Cathedral Thinking.

Creative Victoria recently released a comprehensive analysis of audiences and their motivations in Victoria. Although the Audience Atlas is focused on Victoria there is a lot of information relevant for artists, collectives and arts organisations based throughout Australia.

Senior Manager of Strategic Marketing at Creative Victoria, Ruth Gormley talks through the whole of market study for the arts and culture market, exploring the drivers and barriers as well as attitudes and core beliefs of Victorian population. The Audience Atlas not only provides handy pointers to finding audiences but also gives insights on how they want to be reached. Video.

Adrian Camilleri delved into preference construction focusing on how consumer’s decisions are constructed and how as marketers you can help that construction happen. Looking at marketing through behavioural economics, Adrian analysed choice architecture and how this shapes decisions. Watch Adrian Camilleri presentation Preference Construction and visit Adrian’s website here.

There was also a strong focus on current Australian research into audiences, their motivations and perspective. A key upcoming research project for Australia Council is an analysis of audience perceptions and participation in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts.

A study into Australian audience participation released last year, found that two thirds of Australians have a strong or growing interest in attending Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts, but despite the interest only a quarter of Australians are attending or have attended Indigenous arts in the past 12 months.

Lydia Miller, Executive Director for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts at Australia Council, spoke about the motivations and barriers to audience engagement and asked why is there a gap? And what can be done to change perspectives?

Watch Amanda Coombe and Lydia Miller speak about Increasing Audiences.

What can you begin doing today that will in the future bring benefits to a generation that is not yet born?

Rick Antonson (@InkroadsRick) opened the discussion around planning for future audiences and generations. Bringing his extensive knowledge in international marketing and development, Rick walked us through the idea of Cathedral Thought and the importance of planning not just for the next campaign but for the long term development of audiences. Video.

Digital Marketing strategist Rachel Coldicutt (@rachelcoldicutt) focused on creating quality and human digital experiences. In the ‘Human-Scale’ digital world, the first priority of your organisation’s digital experience is the audience, and how keeping the experience simple can help you work within the restrictions of your organisation. Video.

Have you been inspired to investigate how detailed and relevant research can assist your marketing campaigns?

And have you taken on the challenge of progressing the role of marketing in your programming decisions?

These questions and more were pondered over the two days of the Marketing Summit in Cairns . The importance of audiences – building, developing and sustaining them – was discussed and dissected by some of the best thinkers inside and outside of the arts world.

In the series of videos from the final day’s panel session, where music legend Archie Roach AM and actor and director Rachel Griffiths discussed Australian and International audience perceptions from an artists’ point of view.