Creative Workplaces consultation

It is critical that Creative Workplaces connects with artists, workers and organisations to make sure the work we do fits the unique needs of creative industries.

In mid-2024 we published a draft consultation plan. We have considered feedback on the draft. Here is our updated plan for the months ahead.


Discussion papers

We will be releasing discussion papers to help guide consultations. These conversations will give us a deeper understanding of the nature and drivers of creative workplaces’ issues.

The first will deal with work arrangements and payment and will be published in late 2024.

The second will deal with bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment and will be published in early–mid 2025.

To find out when the papers are published subscribe to updates or follow us on LinkedIn.

Online discussion sessions

We will invite representatives from the arts and culture sector to take part in online sessions where we’ll talk about the issues raised in each of the papers.

We will seek out participants from a diverse range of roles within artforms, geographic locations and demographic backgrounds. This will include individual artists, art workers and arts organisations, including service and peak organisations, who can represent their counterparts in the sector.


We want to make sure that everyone has a chance to share their knowledge and insights about the questions we ask in the discussion papers.

We’ll publish information about how you can send a submission when we publish each discussion paper.

Education and information

We’ll keep doing monthly webinars on topics important to creating safe, fair and respectful creative workplaces.

You can watch recordings of our previous webinars.

To find out what’s coming up next subscribe to updates or follow us on LinkedIn where we’ll also share helpful information and resources from other organisations.

We’ll also keep growing our information on where to get help and support.